Flying High…Living Free


As in flying kites we must prepare for storms, be cognizant of the calm and brace for balmy experiences. We have to steady ourselves with thoughts and actions that set us free.

As a little girl one of my favorite things to do was to fly a kite.

Our kites weren’t fancy. The best ones were made of newspaper at home on the living room floor. We crisscrossed sticks and folded the paper for the kite’s body and ripped then attached old sheets for the tail that swaggered high in the air when the kite was launched.

When my children were young we bought kite kits and together we assembled them. We ran against the wind laughing and loosening the string to release our bird to the freedom of flying.

Eyes fixed and hearts yearning to someday be like the kite – free, flowing, and experiencing unencumbered views of life and living. I continue to wish for freedom like the kite, lifted each morning to fly through the day free from the drama of life’s issues. However, dealing with life is more challenging then wishful thinking to sail above the fray.

As in flying kites we must prepare for storms, be cognizant of the calm and brace for balmy experiences. We have to steady ourselves with thoughts and actions that set us free.

“What have you done to set yourself free?”
Here are answers friends shared on a day we met for lunch:
1.    Did something I’ve always wanted to do
2.    Found strength in bonding with others who understand
3.    Took a stand with family and friends
4.    Routinely experience nature to remind me of God’s greatness
5.    Learned to receive gifts without guilt
6.    Stopped beating up on me (others will gladly do it!)
7.    Get the job done
8.    Decide then share what I want others to know
9.    Release the negative; insert the positive
10.  Use rainbows as reminders (for whatever!)
11.  Create a personal style that’s easy and free
12.  Make use out of what I have

Consider the weight of unresolved issues in your effort to be free.  My friends agree, by facing forces that stifle their progress they’ve put the wind at their back to lift up their goals and aspirations.

Just like kites, as you forge through blustery spots in your life there will be clearings – goal achieving opportunities to fly high and live free.

What advice can you offer to lift our spirits and set us free?

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